Nicholas Martin Fan Club
The Nicholas Martin FAN CLUB was formed in 1995.
To date there are over 500 members in his Club.
It is a friendly and informal Club and a great way to meet other like-minded individuals
who appreciate fine organ and keyboard music.
The annual membership fee is only £9.00 per year
(There is no additional fee for members residing at the same address)
Members will receive four Newsletters each year: These provide information relating to all
Nick’s activities including his concerts, the hugely popular “Martin Home Events” (for members
only), recordings, members correspondence, up-to-date news of goings-on in the organ
music world and his on-going fundraising work for the charity “Miracles to Believe in” (for autistic children).
If you would like to become a member of the Nicholas Martin FAN CLUB please
complete your details below and send a cheque/postal order or you can pay via PayPal.